Friday, May 8, 2020

The Importance Of A School Average Scores - 1201 Words

Helen Keller once said â€Å",character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.† This quote indicates how a school average scores can be below average, but if the student s and teacher’s work together they will succeed. The problem could be students might not make effort, teachers might not have the right resources to teach students, personal problems might stop students from succeeding, or the school in general might need guidance academically. Additionally, students might not be fantastic test takers in general. Though test scores show schools’ improvement, students can’t be forced to increase scores. However, to close school some think consistently low scores mean it s time. For example, school boards, state officials, the State Department of Education might take scores under consideration. There is no guarantee that score averages wil l increase as a whole. There are several types of students and some just are careless, don’t take school serious, or don’t bother to attend school to receive the knowledge that s needed. Students might be careless by not studying, not being prepared, or not paying attention period. Nevertheless, students might not take school serious because his or her family members might no push education. This would give the student a reason not to come to school to receive the lesson to succeed. Some schools’ suffer lack of funds, orShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Addison s Essay775 Words   |  4 PagesBackground Information Family History Addison is a third grade student at Westside Elementary School in the West Fargo Pubic School District. Addison is nine years old. Addison’s is the oldest child in her family. She has a five year old brother and an eighth month old brother. Addison’s mother feels that Addison is not a proficient reader. She feels that Addison is a slower reader. 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