Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pull our troops from Afghanistan Research Paper

Pull our troops from Afghanistan - Research Paper Example The American people are very much concerned about the war in Afghanistan because of the large cost of war and economic destabilization, the deaths of a considerably large number of American soldiers in Afghanistan, and the exact number was never told to us and also the deteriorating image of the US as a country and Americans as a nation in the global scenario because of the killings of innocent civilians during various operations and strikes against the terrorists. But the most important of all the questions is ‘what exactly is our target and mission over there?’, ‘is there actually any way of winning the war?’ and ‘how exactly do we define a win in Afghanistan, in those conditions?’ So the government, the security agencies and the think tanks should first define the goals in Afghanistan and whether it is feasible to achieve those goals under present circumstances without any further damage to the economy and the country’s image. The defi nition of win should incorporate a number of factors in itself and a win should be a condition in which: a. The top leadership of Al Qaeda including Osama bin Laden and Aimen al-Zawahiri is either killed or captured ensuring that Al Qaeda is no longer stable enough to conduct such deadly attacks and terrorist activities again b. The threat of Taliban and other tribal terrorist organizations in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan is eradicated to an extent that it will not rise again and become a threat to the global peace and security c. The institutional setup, the government, the infrastructure, the police and other security agencies in Afghanistan are strong enough to ensure sustainable stability in the country which can ensure provision of basic services to the people of the country and can defend the country against all kinds of internal and external threats without any foreign involvement or assistance. Whenever we talk about pulling our troops from Afghanistan we start analyzing the situation by considering goals and targets of the war but then we realize the fact that the governmental institutions and the authorities have not clearly defined the goals of the war and we have noticed them to shift a little from time to time with regards to our mission in Afghanistan. Recently President Obama issued a statement in which he clearly established that our goal in Afghanistan ‘is to reverse the momentum of Taliban’ and he did not mention anything about Al Qaeda or its leaders. Considering President Obama’s statement as the goal of Afghanistan war and considering it a win, an analysis should be done whether we have achieved that win or not or whether it is possible to effectively achieve that win in the first place (Tystad). Considering the fact that some of the regions in Afghanistan including a large portion of Qandahar are being controlled by Taliban, we cannot consider our mission in Afghanistan a win and in fact completely eliminating the t hreat of Taliban in that region is also not possible because of a number of factors which are related to the government in Afghanistan and the security agencies in Pakistan. Some of the members in the current Afghani cabinet and some tribal chiefs have shown distrust towards the American forces and are not cooperating with them and have

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Webdesign for an online shopping environment Essay

Webdesign for an online shopping environment - Essay Example Using this, the available sizes, image of the product can also be maintained. All this would help the person in easy selection of the product that she wants to buy. After checking on the check boxes available, the person can go to the payment counter where she can pay for the total bill including all the purchases done by her thus far. The user can log off at any point in time. Payment is taken through a paypal link. The menu in the logged on screen will also have My Account which would provide information about the account of the person who has logged on. This would include the purchases already done by her and her particulars like shipping addresses and the registered details. Any alteration if it has to be done can be done by her here. The screen will be in orange and black. Only three colours are used including white. HCI norms indicate that using more than three or four colours would make the working uncomfortable. Additionally, the screen is made in such a way that the menu is on the right side while there is lots of working space in the main area. This would also be the space for displaying information and collecting data. 3. This information is verified with the user data and if it matches, the user is allowed entry into the system. Else an error message is shown with the option to click Forgot Password / Register as well as Home where the user can reenter. 5. User can click on the Buy Now button to get into the invoice. The invoice will list all the items the user has selected along with their quantities and price. If the user wants to remove some item, she may do so here. She can also increase the quantity of the items by directly altering the number. The invoice is recalculated. 5. User can click on the Buy Now button to get into the invoice. The invoice will list all the items the user has selected along with their quantities and price. If the user wants